Smisby Parochial Charity is a Registered Charity in England and Wales - Registered Charity Number 515251.


The Parochial Charity was first endowed in 1794 and has undergone many changes since that time, the latest being in 2005 when most of its endowed lands were sold, to conform with local planning authority requirements for an area which included the Charity owned land. These capital funds cannot themselves be spent, but are invested to yield disposable income.

Half of the annual disposable income after unavoidable and allowable expenditure has been subtracted, passes to the Church Charity; this latter charity reporting separately on its activities.

The objects of the Charity are defined in its Trust Deed and its discretionary expenditure is all within the terms stated in that deed; all other expenditure relates to the management and administrative requirements of the Charity, including the fees payable to its professional advisers.

The trustees endeavour to concentrate their discretionary expenditure on projects that bring benefit to the greatest number of residents living in Smisby Parish. Examples of funding include the village allotment site and the children’s playground and fitness equipment on the Jubilee field. Christmas hampers are also given to pensioners, grants made to students in tertiary education and book tokens given to children living in the Parish. A grant was made to Smisby Women’s Institute to allow them to have subsidised educational visits to both Buckingham Palace and Chatsworth House. A Christmas party was also funded along with a BBQ for residents to celebrate 1000 years (approx!) since a community became established on the site of the current Smisby village.

Support for community projects or for individuals is offered where assistance from the public purse, by grants or other sources of public funding, is not available or has proved inadequate.