The Parochial Charity operates with four trustees, two being nominative trustees (those nominated by Smisby Parish Council) and two are co-optative trustees, being co-opted by the Charity as required from time to time, as being individuals having a good knowledge of Smisby, as defined in the Trust Deed.

The Trustees normally meet six times a year but more or less frequently than this, according to circumstance. At these meetings, trustees discuss possible future projects together with progressing projects that have previously been agreed, together with assessing associated expenditure. Capital investments are also reviewed on a regular basis. In minor instances of project or investment discussion, agreement (or otherwise) and final approval, is sought through e-mail between all trustees without the need for a formal meeting. The Trustees attend a formal annual review of investments with their financial advisers together with ad hoc financial review meetings, held as and when appropriate.

The Trustees of the Parochial Charity operate under their Trust Deed dated January 1982 and abide by the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (FRSSE) published on 16 July 2014 and the Charities Act 2011.


Current Trustees:

Mr Simon Barnett

Miss Claire Hynam

Mr Paul Cooper

Miss Gemma Dickens